Page 72 - 2025 Passport Final.cdr
P. 72

72    Grand Forks/Greenwood/Christina Lake

                       330 - Central Avenue Grand Forks
                  Pay for one Pharmasave Brand Product
                  & receive the second Pharmasave Brand
           D      Product of equal or lesser value free!
                         UP TO $10.00
           O     Must present passport at time of purchase.
                 Only one free Pharmasave product per visit.
                    2 for 1    2 for 1    2 for 1    2 for 1    2 for 1              Expiry
                  product  product  product  product  product
                                                      December 1st / 2025
                    1st lift ticket           2nd lift ticket
                  Not to be combined with any other offer
           R      or discount. Must present passport at time
                  of ticket purchase. Expiry March 31st 2025
           M     Buy one pita and receive
                 the second pita of equal
           O     or lesser value free!
           V      1st visit             2nd visit             3rd visit

           E     Expiry December 1st 2025          Christina lake
                 Must present passport book at time of purchase. Only one free pita per visit.
                Buy one pizza and receive
           D the second pizza of equal                           1st visit
           O    or lesser value free!
                1670 Santa Posa Rd., Christina Lake              2nd visit
                        Phone: 250-447-9090
           N    Must mention/present passport book at time of purchase.   3rd visit
                Only one free pizza per visit. Expiry December 1st 2025

           O     Present your passport book and receive  Season’s
                 50 % off a basic tune- up on your bike,
           V     board or ski’s.                        Outdoors
           E           50% off basic 1 tune-up
                                                           131 Central Avenue,
                 Must present passport book at time of          Grand Forks,
                 dropping equipment off. Expiry Dec. 1st / 2025.  Phone: (250) 442-2691
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